Everyone has a story. Where does yours begin?

Watch. See. Believe.

These video stories of joint dysfunction and their journy to better function are from the everyday mothers, fathers, daughters, & wives.

With a tailored approach, they found their strength and reclaimed their function again. A new chapter of health was written in their story.

Where does yours health story begin?

Kumar Dave Kumar Dave

Back Pain as a Business Leader

A mother, a wife, and a businesswoman. Carolin Soldo, one of most prominent business coaches in the industry, specializing in women success, experienced months of crippling back pain where her only option left was back surgery.

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Kumar Dave Kumar Dave

Unusual Head Pressure

Maddi is the bubbly and talented theatre actress who casts smiles on everyone face. But in 2017, and at just 20 years old, she was diagnosed with unusual cranial pressure that mimicked the symptoms of a brain tumor. With excruciating head pressure, fogginess, and lethargy her dreams of broadway seem to fade along with her basic joys of hiking and socializing. Maddi’s father desperately tried to find help for his baby girl.

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Kumar Dave Kumar Dave

A Detective’s 7 year Knee Injury

Dan Raye. 20+ year detective at Las Vegas Metro Police Department underwent a traumatic knee accident in a 2010 sports injury. His knee completely twisted around with a loud snap, crackle, and pop. Surgeons miraculously saved his knee but he experienced constant debilitating pain for the past 7 years. Detective Raye tells his inspiring story from having crippling knee pain for 7 years to meeting Kumar for first time.

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Kumar Dave Kumar Dave

Back Injury from Weight Training

Theodore “Teddy” Parker III is a world class attorney in Las Vegas. He has litigated for hospitals and healthcare systems as well as against drug companies, such as the famous “Actos” case. It was natural for Teddy to be skeptical about anything in the realm of chronic pain. However, everything changed when Teddy himself experienced a crippling back injury from a weight lifting accident.

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Start your health journey

Everyone has a story. Everyone starts somewhere. Start your chapter.