A Marvel in Holistic Movement. Our system is designed as a way to greatly improve functional movement.

Dive into our ground breaking head-to-toe muscle-joint analysis.


The Science of Our Analysis: Biomechanics.

Biomechanics is how your muscles and joints work together to produce movement. We measure and test your strength and range-of-motion in the whole body first to find your total imbalance. By improving the entire body’s strength and range-of-motion first, your main area of concern such as the back gets fast and safe results!


It’s like the old song: “the ankle bone’s connected to the…knee bone…”

Everything is connected in the body. Biomechanics makes sure that the joint angles and muscle strengths of all the moving parts are in the healthy range so movement such as walking is smooth. But when one part gets too much out of range, it can cause mayhem in the rest of body.

For example, the ankle bone is connected to the knee which is connected to the hip and the back and so forth. So if something is out of place around the knee, it can cause problems up the chain to the back, shoulders, and even the neck. A decade old knee injury is often the culprit of a sudden stiff dysfunctional neck.

Our proprietary full body 141-point joint-muscle analysis leaves no stone unturned to find the parts out of range that’s causing pain.


The 141-point whole body analysis: find the parts out of range causing pain

Our proprietary full body 141-point joint-muscle analysis measures the joint angles and strength of every joint from head-to-toe in the body. This gives us a clear blueprint and highlights the exact parts out of range that caused the dysfunction. From this information, we design a movement protocol tailored only for you and your practitioner.

Throughout the protocol your analysis will change. Once values begin entering into the healthy range you will notice vast improvements in function, strength, and mobility.

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This system was designed to help our own joint dysfunction.

We have walked the walk. This system was developed out of necessity. We ourselves have had extreme back injuries where surgery was our last option. (see our story here). Because our system has helped us with our countless sports and chronic injuries, we want share the same healing with everyone else.

Our results have restored function in doctors who needed ankle replacements, attorneys with knee arthritis, nurses with degenerative back pain and others who suffered chronic joint dysfunction and had considered risky elective surgery as their final option. Watch the powerful stories, this is why we keep doing what we’re doing.

How it works: The 4 Steps of Our Protocol


01 — Complete Intake of History

Fill out a detailed intake form listing your past medical history along with diagnoses, x-rays, and any past traumas such as car accidents or falls.

02 — 141-Point Whole Body Analysis

Your intake form will be reviewed with your practitioner during your analysis.

Note: This is a precision movement and exercised-based program and will take work and effort. This is NOT a quick fix, but rather a program to stack the odds of it being a long-term solution.

03 — Protocol Design

After the Full Body Analysis, your practitioner will go over the details extensively to highlight and explain the exact areas in the body contributing to your dysfunction. He/she will then tailor a custom package and explain the overall protocol including costs, scheduling, and timing.

04 — The Tools to Reclaim Your Health

At the end of your protocol, your practitioner will give you the necessary tools to maintain your improved function and maintain strength and mobility on your own. This is the goal of the protocol. Reclaim your health and take back your power!

Self love is the greatest medicine.

Begin this journey for you. You deserve it.