About Us


Kumar Davé

Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology

Kumar has been practicing “The Barr Method” in Las Vegas since he move from North Carolina in 2016. During his college years, he was studying to enter medical school and interned with orthopedic surgeons. He witnessed a disturbing pattern of patients still having pain years after surgery. Kumar changed career goals and pursued a Masters in the hopes to find a true natural solution to chronic pain.

In 2014, Kumar severely herniated a disc in his lower back from a weight lifting accident. Desperate for relief without surgery, he met James ‘Silas’ Barr III who restored full function in Kumar’s back in one session and eliminated pain for 4 years. Kumar has since apprenticed under Silas’ system and uses “The Barr Method” to help others experience the same relief.

His full story is below.


How The Journey Began

NMTHealth was founded on the idea that the human body has the potential to heal itself given precise individualized focus. James "Silas" Barr III discovered his assessment after spending over $100,000 on certifications and treatments for his severe chronic back arthritis in 1996. At 23 years old he was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and told he'd be lucky if he was still walking at age 30. Silas refused to accept this and ventured to study with Aaron Mattes, Erik Dalton, as well as studying all the physiology therapy books he could find. He formulated a theoretical bio-mechancial assessment to reveal underlying deficiencies and tested his hypothesis on himself.

After 2 years, he had no back pain and a new x-ray showed a healthy back with regenerative discs. He tried his movement discovery program on all sorts of joint conditions ranging from knee arthritis to neck pain to back pain. Over 20 years later, Silas still has no back pain and has helped hundreds of people, who were at their wits end, to avoid elective surgeries and pain pills.

Kumar Dave met Silas in 2015 during his masters program in clinical exercise physiology. Kumar slipped a disc weightlifting and Silas restored his movement with no pain in one 9 hour session. Instantly, he decided to apprentice under Silas in order to help share his gift with the world.

Our goal is not high volume, 13 minutes per client, or the no-progress constant adjustments. Instead, we perform a 141 head-to-toe assessment to fully understand what's going on in your body. Our practitioners then study to customize a program designed only for you. Our goal is to build massive results, increase function, and for you to eventually take the reins and own your health and wellness.

Natural. Wholistic. Functional. Empowering.

Our ancient teachers and philosophers have always echoed the natural way as medicine.


“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.”

— Hippocrates

“The aim of medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life, the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician.”

— William J. Mayo, M.D., of the Mayo Brothers, Founders of Mayo Clinic

“The drugless healer is one of the best things that has come into the life of the present.”

— Charles Mayo, M.D., of the Mayo Brothers, Founders of Mayo Clinic

“Medicine is only palliative, for back of disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach.”

— Wier Mitchel, M.D.

Healing comes from within — we are here just to guide you to it.

You have the power.

The power is in your hands. Only you can write the new chapters of health in your story. We would be honored to be your guide.