Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately at this time, we do not accept insurance. However, on a case-by-case basis, we may be able to guide you in requesting reimbursement for your movement program from your insurance.

What types of cases have you helped?

Most cases see us as a last resort to avoid drugs or surgery. These cases often include arthritis, degenerative disc disease, rotator cuff tears, partial ligament tears, chronic headaches, fibromyalgia, muscle tears, back pain, and much more. We have been blessed to help doctors, professors, pro athletes, attorneys, business owners, and more who were looking for a non-invasive approach to functional movement. See their stories here.

How is this different than physical therapy?

Our movement system is tailored specifically around you to build functional movement. We often spend 2 hours assessing your whole body then designing a custom in-person program to restore the imbalances. Often, PT can use generic exercises and have little time to target your specific needs. We spend lots of time to help each person which is why we can only work with 8 new cases per month!

How can you help arthritis?

We do not diagnose or treat arthritis or any condition. Our specialty is restoring functional strength and mobility to your joints. Arthritis is often caused by years of pressure that wore away the cartilage. We use our assessment to find out what caused your skeletal structure to shift and create the pressure. By reverse engineering the process, the body can begin moving freely again. See the process here.

Is this like massage or chiropractic?

This is not massage or chiropractic. There are no “adjustments” and everyone is fully clothed. Instead, it’s a precise corrective exercise program that quickly and naturally pulls the bones back into the functional alignment. This way, you increase the chance of having a long-term effect.

Is this woo-woo or based in science?

This is most definitely based in science. We measure every joint down to the single degree and every muscle strength down to the 0.1 lbs. We use our formulas to calculate how many degrees and how much strength you are away from the healthy range. We retest your numbers after each intervention until you reach the range. As the range reaches closer to the healthy standard, we often see function improve.